

A collection of currently published articles here on Signal Focused.

The Battle Rages On

With record breaking fires still raging in both northern and southern California, we cannot help but put our selfish desires into proper perspective.

A family member sent me a photo of the old cabin in Paradise he rented while going to college in Chico, CA which was destroyed…

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Game Review: Rust

Your avatar's eyes open, as you lay on the sandy shores of god knows where, armed with nothing but a rock and torch. You don't even have clothes, and you didn't even get to pick what you want to look like, but alas, you get up and take a look around. About twenty yards away, you spot…

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Game Review: For Honor

You rush the objective alongside your trusted ally in combat, hoping to storm the enemy back to whence they came. As you approach, a scene once containing what you once thought an easy battle has escalated to a hectic 2 on 4. As you clash swords neck-and-neck with your opponent, parrying their attacks while throwing nearby attackers into one another to create disarray and further the chaos, you realize that…

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